Roger briefed all the F-106 Squadrons on flat spin recovery

The text below is the best introduction to his article “give it lots of Lovin Care”, taken from the Interceptor magazine of March 1972. This article describes the flat spin recovery that he developed and briefed to all the F-106 squadrons.

Since taking over as Chief of ADC’s Safety Education and Analysis Division in 1959, Mr. Roger G. Crewse has presented his knowledge, expertise, and 15 years of ‘fighter pilot experience to our operational units in a unique and highly informative way. Roger has a way of dispensing with the “frills” and getting down to the “nitty gritty” in terms that his fellow fighter pilots readily understand. Most “Deuce” jocks vividly remember his treatise on “F-102 Compressor Stalls,” and there are few F -101 crews who will not forget “the Crewse approach” to pitchup. More recently, Mr. Crewse has traveled to the F-106 squadrons to discuss “Control Loss” with aircrews. Numerous “Six Jocks” have since reported using Roger’s words to great advantage in the ACT program, and one pilot who recovered from a spin admits using the instructions he remembered from the “F -106 Control Loss” briefing.

If you happened to miss Roger when he came by your squadron or would like to refresh yourself on this critical subject, we present this “typical Roger Crewse briefing with frills trimmed off” in his own inimitable style. Maybe the next time you’ve got the “pointy end” going sideways, you’ll recall what he has said here and be able to “save your bird.”

 Here is the article: give it lots of Lovin Care by Roger G. Crewse