Meet Coolstone

“Hello RG tower, Rog tower, this is Coolstone one, ovah.”

“Roger Coolstone one, this is RG tower; go ahead.”

“RG from Coolstone, how about checking ATC clearance, boy, I’m standing by on the ramp.”

“Roger Coolstone, your clearance is on request.”

Coolstone was on his way to Tyndall. This was the third and final leg on a flight that originated at Geiger, and Coolstone was most impatient to get underway. His flight planning was very thorough for this flight because he had never flown the route before. He marked his maps carefully, filled out a complete route card, and paid strict attention to the weather forecast given to him over the closedcircuit weather vision. He had planned his route to be direct Springfield, J-41V Memphis, Montgomery, and direct Tyndall. A comfortable flight, really, just a bit over 700 nautical, with favorable winds. He had asked, hopefully, for 35,000, but he could easily make the flight at thirty.