Roger G. Crewse


Roger G Crewse joined the Army Air Corps on December 2, 1942, and entered cadet training in March 1943. He graduated from pilot training in April 1944 and served 22 months in the South Pacific from New Guinea to Okinawa, flying C‐47 troop carrier missions.

From 1946 to February 1950, he was a member of the 116th Fighter Squadron, Spokane National Guard. In 1950 he was recalled to active duty with a 12‐month tour in Korea with the 319th Fighter Interceptor Squadron flying the F‐94. He flew with Air Defense Command units until 1958.

Roger flew the B‐25, C‐47, F‐51, F‐84B, F‐84C, F‐84G, F‐89, F‐94, F‐101, F‐102, F‐104, F‐106 and T‐
33. He was a Command Pilot with over 4,500 flying hours.

Roger was assigned to Air Defense Command Headquarters, in Colorado Springs, in March 1958 as a project officer for the F‐106. He became the first editor of the highly regarded Interceptor magazine in October 1958. It was at that time that he originated and authored his infamous Coolstone stories.

Roger was medically retired in 1961 but returned to the Headquarters of the Air Defense
Command in April 1963 as Chief of the Safety Analysis Division until 1974.


Speech From Roger’s Retirement